Highly praised performances

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Don’t miss your last opportunity to see SADC’s highly acclaimed production of Jim Cartwright’s play “Two”. Theo Spring, the independent theatre critic who reviewed the play on Thursday evening wrote:

“I was given the head’s up that this play by Jim Cartwright was ‘really good’. Definitely an understatement – it was magnificent.”

“The transformational skills of the two actors, Brian Aris and Aimee Wallis, were amazing and helped us meet, all told, 14 different characters throughout the show, each with their own story and each changing completely from the one before.”

“Such demanding acting ability, such mercurial changes of characters and so much life depicted sums up the evening. Enormous congratulations go to Brian Aris and Aimee Watson for roles which I suspect may stay in their psyche for quite some time. Directed so ably by David Hedges, this was a wonderful collaboration between three very talented people.”

So don’t miss your opportunity to join us for this psychological drama, which is at once “Absolutely riveting.” (Daily Telegraph) and at the same time “Astonishing, funny and sad.” (Daily Express).